Sunday, June 14, 2009

And the carnation boquet and a year's worth of revelry goes to...

A little reward for sitting through two three-hour recitals for Ladybug's dance school yesterday:

That's a Dancer of the Year award in her little paws and a bona fide satinique sash to match-complete with glitter puffy paint and safety pin clasp. Ooh. La. La, people!

Maybe sometimes I shouldn't roll my eyes at the end of the last show when the emcee says it's time for awards so everybody sit tight and hold the applause. Especially since my little girl is one of ten girls distinguished with this honor in a school of one hundred and sixty. (shut up and let me's her first award ever)

And this is how she chose to celebrate when we got home:
(coco crispies victory dinner at eleven o'clock)

I thought about all the stuff I could write about how boring the show was during the bajillion numbers my own Ladybug wasn't in. Or how these types of productions are mostly just sequin-studded fodder for all the stage-moms who busted ass getting their kids to every rehearsal and put in over time hours volunteering to carry clip-boards and boss the other moms around during performances. ( You know...the ladies who were never popular in high-school who are now getting their revenge by flashing snarky grins and wagging their fingers your way when you show up with your kid's hair parted too far to the left. )

But then we came home with this fancy sash and a cheaply framed award that my daughter couldn't stop beaming and talking about and I just thought...not this time. This time I'm going to just remember the best parts. Because those parts don't happen all the time and all the other crap does.


Megameghan said...

WOW. I'm proud of her. Girl's got rhythm. I wish you reminded me about her recital....

When I was little I danced like a retarded monkey and my mom stuck me in gymnastics instead. Everything in gymnastics is done like a robot. Which explains why to this day, its still the only move I can break out into on a dancefloor...

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

She is already planning for next year's dance schedule. She wants to switch from tap to a jazz class.

(They got to wear florescent orange costumes and dance in bare feet to "Hot Hot Hot" and she was awestruck...)

So. Don't worry. Next year will be as exciting! I really didn't think anyone not related/obligated would like to go and sit through three hours worth of dance recital.

I miss you!

Megameghan said...

"And the carnation boquet..."

Did you spell bouquet wrong? I mean I'm not picking, just asking because I know it would probably pain your brain to know that you actually have a spelling error sitting up there for everyone to see....

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

I did spell it wrong. Um. My U is broken. Wait. m. My is broken.

coleface said...

ugh, did you give birth yet?? Don't you dare put it into my head that people actually go past their due dates. BABY OUT BABY OUT BABY OUT!!!!

Miranda said...

awww...she totally deserved it...She was such a leader and helped Alex a lot.

Miss you guys. Is Sam here?

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

@coleface- He was one day late, but it might as well be a whole week. I can't wait to exchange the gore-stories with you. Want to take up knitting???

floridaflamingo said...

Take up know how into I am. And that sparkling Cadence was, by far, the most charming part of that show. I mean, a fact is a fact.