Monday, March 8, 2010

Soopr doopr oasum.

I’m mourning the passing of another weekend.  R.I.P pirated movie watching Sunday morning.  Offweinerzane Saturday afternoon spins on the snazzy swings of fair fame.  Peace-out, Friday “drooling on pillow by nine-thirty” night. It was great while it lasted.  *imaginary fist bump                                                                                                                                         

Last night, I even got stellar marks on the homework Ladybug pretended I turned in for grading after she did her OMGit’sundaydoyouhavehomework-homework.  













I seriously have good Gs.


Anyway.  Husband’s off to DC again and I’m starting last week all over.  Sam is doing that thing where he whines just to make bubbles, but it’s still just as annoying as whining to whine and the dogs are waiting for the garbage truck.  Nobody waits for the garbage truck like my dogs.  The big old one sits in her spot and rests her chin on the window sill.  The little brown one just watches the big old one for his cue to start yapping and drizzling pee.  Oh, and I just found a weird shmear of cat litter on the window by the front door.  Pretty sure I know how it happened.





So I’m thinking the week is off to it’s usual-yet-weird self when suddenly {okay not suddenly…i totally do this every morning} I clicked on my favorite early-bird blogger Just Jules and got a pee-in-pants surprise*.  Sometimes it feels good when someone else toots your horn. 


Come and get me, week.  I’m soopr doopr ready.


*I  hope she doesn’t have one of those serious spy blog tracking things because I have clicked on her blog like twelvebajillion times already this morning with good excuses each time {one being that it’s like being famous when someone else links your blog for GOOD reasons}.  And if she doesn’t have a tracker thingie, maybe it was just four times. But probably closer to twelvebajillion now that I had to go grab her link for this post and I’ve probably sound like an idiot already.  so. Yah.


Christine--RHP said...

now you have to keep going over there to see the comments. hehe.

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

christine. that would be lame. and desperate.

two things i am totally NOT.


Jens said...

awesome! :) oh, and way to go on the bloggy recognition know, I'm a teacher...had to compliment you on your homework. :) hee hee

Tony said...

Yeah, I often like it when people throw shout outs to me on their blog. It's like when you're a kid, and you find out that the girl you like likes you too!

Just Jules said...

Um (psssttt) *whispering

I have a site meter. :o

But, I never look at it. (but I might now!!!!) j/k - kinda.

I am so happy you didn't mind me linking you and totally stealing your pic to use too.

you deserve the shout out - love it over here. hope you don't mind, but I have my feet on the coffee table!

Unknown said...

Thomas and Raven share the same exquisite taste -- but Thomas has a beard!!